Join the Beaconsfield Yacht Club in 2025

Membership of the Beaconsfield Yacht Club

The club is a welcoming and safe place for all members, both novices and more experienced sailors. The club has approximately 160 senior members and 50 associate and junior members. Whether you own a boat or not, it is possible to become a member of the club. You can have access to the club’s dinghies when not in use for lessons and you can also, if racing interests you, join a crew.

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What is a SENIOR member?

Its senior members are boat owners whose membership applications have been approved by the Selection Committee and whose accounts are not outstanding. In this context, a boat owner is considered to be an individual who pays an annual fee for an anchorage, a berth or for a dry-stored boat.

What is a ASSOCIATE member?

An associate member is an individual who is not the owner of a boat whose application for membership has been approved by the Selection Committee and whose dues are not outstanding. To be an associate member, the individual must be 30 years old on January 1 of the year of application for membership. All privileges of a senior member apply to an associate member except the right to vote. The privileges of the club apply to the spouse of the associate member as well as to his children under the age of 21 residing with their parents. Click for membership fees and associate membership application


What is a INTERMEDIATE member?

An intermediate member is an individual whose application for membership has been approved by the Selection Committee and whose dues are not in arrears. An intermediate member must be between the ages of 19 and 30 on January 1 of the year in which they apply for membership. All the privileges of a senior member apply to an intermediate member except the right to vote. The privileges of the club apply to the spouse of the intermediate member as well as to his children aged under 21 residing with their parents. Click for membership fees and Intermediate Membership Application.


What is a JUNIOR member?

A junior member is an individual whose application for membership has been approved by the Selection Committee and whose dues are not in arrears. A junior member must be under the age of 19 on January 1 of the year in which they apply for membership. All privileges of a senior member apply to a junior member except the right to vote. If he owns a boat, it must be a dry-stowed boat. The privileges do not apply to the family of the junior member. Click for Membership Fees and Junior Membership Application.

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